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Christ is transforming the lives of hundreds of women at House of Hope. In 2001, after speaking to a group of trafficked women in Managua, God began to birth a vision to help those women leave behind the life of prostitution and begin a new life in Christ. As the Holy Spirit confirmed the need to open vocational centers for the women that would establish them in the Lord and provide a means to make a living, the Lord provided land and personnel to fulfill the vision.  Since that time, we have built housing for up to 20 resident women and their children who are involved in our discipleship program. Graduates from this 3-5 year program receive a small house Near  House of Hope and a $500 Micro Business Grant. 


In June of 2004, we started a weekly support group, now called Community Groups. Beginning with only two women, the group has grown and now hundreds of women participate each week. Tuesday morning begins with the women engaging in singing, hearing teachings from the Bible, and prayer.  They then divide into groups where they make various hand crafted items which are sold in our Shop. The women and teenage girls learn skills that will lead to a life free from slavery and prostitution. Funds from your Shop purchases go directly to pay the women for their work.


After almost twenty years of evangelistic outreach to brothels and street corners in Managua, hundreds of women have come to know Christ. A valiant army of over 350 women has made a stand to stop working the streets and to support their families with individual micro-businesses, which House of Hope has helped them start. Please take a moment to see what God is doing at House of Hope.  Visit our  Programs page for a highlight of House of Hope's services, and the Get Involved page to learn more about how you can help.

Meet the Nicaragua Staff:

From left to right:


Arelia, Norman, Vilma, April (International Director), Angela, Yahaira, and Gloria

Staff Photo
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